Thursday, 30 November 2017

How to find an FTF, First To Find

How to find an FTF, First to find
Everydayfunday finds their first FTF

Finding a Geocache is pretty exciting, but being the first to find one is even more exciting! We finally got the chance to experience this fun moment 😊 In this blog post, I'll talk about the fun reasons for why you may want to run and snatch your next chance at becoming an FTF to a geocache.

First, let's explain what an FTF is, it's a first to find, meaning you are the first person to find and locate this geocache. The word "first to find" is an acronym written by geocachers in a physical cache logbook or online when logging a geocache find.    

What you may see on your logbook when arriving at an FTF
This is our first FTF paper
Photo Credit: Jessie C
How we got our first FTF, I was sitting at home searching for geocaches in the area to plan a small hiking trip with the family, when an email came through notifying me that there was a newly posted Geocache nearby. We grabbed our gear and GPS and got a move on to leave the door and see if we would be lucky this time and get our first FTF. Luck was on our side that day as when we arrived at the Geocache location and found the cache we saw the beautiful FTF with 0 names signed to the logbook, this was very exciting and shows just how addicted you are to a game haha! 

Smallest Geocache Logbook we found in Summer 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow @everydayfunday

You're probably wondering " why would anyone want to be an FTF"? Being an FTF is super exciting when you are addicted to Geocaching you will also want to claim some FTF of your own. You get to discover the newly posted geocache in your surroundings and you also get Bragging rights to brag about being the first person to find and claim it! That's loads of fun! On some occasions, the cache owner will leave a little surprised to be claimed for the first person to find the geocache, for example in this geocache we claimed some movie passes being the first to have found it. Just that alone makes being the FTF amazing! 

In order to find an FTF you would need to setup instant notifications to let you know when a new Geocache has been posted in your area, this feature is only applicable to premium members. Did you know you can build custom notifications under the premium member feature? I'll explain how; 

  1. Go to the Add Instant Notification Page
  2. Name the notification you want to be notified on
  3. Choose a cache type you want to monitor for example a traditional cache or event, etc
  4. Choose the types of logs you want to see show up, I have mine set to "publish Listing", that defaults my listing to the newest caches uploaded in the area. 
  5. Set the location and distance that you want to watch
  6. Be sure to check the email to make sure it's your current email address to have the notification sent to. 
  7. Check "Enable Notifications". 
  8. Select "create Notifications" and you are all set to go! 😊
Can you add an FTF to your statistics? Unfortunately, does not have a feature that will show those at the moment, maybe in the future? We will have to wait it out and see. As of today through the Geocaching HQ does not regulate or manage FTF's. However, there are other options for those who want to keep track of their FTF's and have them show up on their stat page. Many Geocachers use outside statistics generating sites such as or to display their FTF's on their profile pages. 

I bet you're eager to get out and find your very first FTF. How will you celebrate when you find one? or how have you celebrated when you discovered your first FTF? 

* Happy Caching * 

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

If You Hide It, Will They Come?

If you hide it, will they come?

     Finding Geocaches can be loads of fun, but have you ever put one out there for others to find? Often I wonder if the area I chose for a hide is a spot that will attract other Geocachers. When Geocaching first started in 2000 hiding a cache and hoping for another Geocacher to find it would have been something more challenging then it is today. Many would wonder if whether anyone would even bother looking for there Geocache.When the hobby first bloomed Geocachers getting involved noticed that there were barely any geocaches hidden in their surroundings. 

Slashdot, a very popular magazine designed for tech-savvy people reported an article in their paper September 20th of 2000 introducing the activity to a larger group of technology professionals to the activity. The New York time then released a segment about Geocaching in their papers shortly after introducing this hobby yet again to another group of people interesting in finding treasure. This created a "domino" effect getting other large media companies to talk about the hobby such as CNN, this allowed more and more people to get involved which created a huge amount of Geocaches to be hiding in a small period of time. Now, it's almost impossible to travel anywhere in the world and not be able to find a Geocache nearby making the game so much more fun and interesting. 

As the Geocaching Community got larger and more people got involved they even started a geocaching chant that the community would sing " If you hide it, they will come" to attract new players in hiding Geocaches and expanding the game. 

After some reassurance new and existing Geocachers started adventuring around the world hiding geocaches all over the place to see if the theory was correct and if people would actually take the time out of their day to play the game and seek for treasure. The theory did work and it works better then I believe they imagined it would. People all over the world jumped onto this and wanted to take part in hiding and finding treasure. 

GeoFacts! March 3rd, 2001, South Dakota was the last state in the United States to get a hidden geocache. The eighth finder discovered it in January 2002. After that discovery, the geocache went missing and its cache owner retired it; however, it can still be founded on

Through word of mouth, magazine articles along with accidental cache discoveries, like how we found our very first cache, more and more people have been getting involved in playing Geocaching. First people getting involved in this game were GPS enthusiast, now you have couples, families, and groups from all walks of life interesting in searching for treasure. It's a great way to get everyone outside walking and enjoying the world around them. There truly is a Geocache out for everyone to enjoy. The excitement of finding a cache is thrilling for both the inner and outer child. Everyone will have fun and enjoy the hunt. With the amount of Geocaches that are hidden in the world today, you can simply do a small search from anywhere in the world and be able to walk, bike or drive to a nearby cache, which makes the game so much more fun you literally can cache from just about anywhere. 

Since the existence of the participants to the game double in number each year bringing more and more new players to the game. With the numbers rising the caches you will need to find are going up in numbers also with everyone getting into the game and wanting to start hiding their own treasure. 
Bison Geocache Container We found Autumn 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C

I wonder if when the game was launched if the owners of the site imagined the game spiking such a large interest worldwide. This is the best game and hobby I have ever played and I am so thankful it's something I can do with my family, hubby and it brings so much fun for everyone. 

With all of that being said I can assure you that today if you are to hide a Geocache the chances of it not being found are slim to none. You can be sure that you will attract another Geocacher in no time wanting to be the first to sign the FTF log, FTF meaning First To Find. Make sure to scope out the location as the location of where you hide your Geocache is very important. Make sure it's an area easy enough for other Geocachers to get to and you should be good to go 😊 

Happy Caching, and don't forget to share your pictures and stories! ðŸ˜Š 
We were lucky to experience a walk in this beautiful trail that hides a series of Geocaches. The places Geocaching will take you are truly amazing.
Photo credit: Jessie C

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Top 6 Great Geocaching Apps

Top 6 Great Apps For Geocaching 

Geo Frog 
Often I get asked which Geocaching app I use to find Geocaching hidden around the world. I recently noticed that Geocaching offer's a variety of apps that each cacher can use based on their preference for the game. Certain apps are designed for IOS other apps are designed for Android, and some apps are based per country. In this blog post, I will show you the greatest geocaching apps out there that you can use for your treasure hunting adventures.
As most of you may know Geocaching is the revitalized scavenger hunt that involves finding coordinates online and sourcing a hidden object. Not to sure what Geocaching is, click here what is Geocaching. 
Geocaching has become so popular over time, that people young and old all across the world actively participate in this hobby. There are over 2 million cache locations worldwide that vary from easy to difficult to find, and the caches themselves can vary from large to small in size. Whether you are new at this game or a master treasure hunter, these apps that I will list below are designed to help you navigate your way through a fun and unexpected journey. 

1. Geocaching By Groundspeak for IOS and Android: Let's start by talking about the app that I currently use to find Geocaches. This one is designed by Groundspeak themselves. It's great for veteran cachers and newbies alike. You can download Geocaching from the official geocaching website or you can find it in the play store. The app holds detail information for more than 2 million Geocaches. Prepare yourself for a crazy adventure as Geocaches can be hidden near or far and will take you to spectacular places. Geocaches are hidden in 180 countries worldwide! Imagine the adventures that are waiting for you! Use the built-in GPS to help navigate you to your Geocaching location. Don't forget to share your stories and pictures online using the easy log this cache option. Being a premium member is very beneficial compared to being a standard member. If geocaching is something you are strongly into I would recommend purchasing it. We will go through the benefits of a premium account vs a non-premium account in another blog post. Stay tuned. 

2. Geocaching Buddy for IOS and Android: This app can be imagined as the best friend you never had. Yup an app as your best friend haha, let's elaborate on that. This app is designed especially to remember every clue you've ever found. This app is perfect for Geocachers finding multi-caches. We will talk about multi-caches in another blog post shortly, stay tuned. Geobuddy will calculate your waypoints ( coordinates ), it will even keep track of where you parked making it easy to return to your car once you have found your goods. This feature can come in handy when searching for isolated caches in the forest. No one wants to get lost looking for a Geocache. 

3. IOS Only: is another very popular Geocaching app that you will see users using. This app is only for IOS holders. Very similar to the Geocaching by Groundspeak this app offers everything you will need to set out on some treasure hunting adventures. is very simple to use simply select a geocache you want to hunt and begin to proceed to it. Use the built-in GPS to help locate the Geocaching. Don't forget to share your stories and pictures with other fellow Geocachers to see. will hold all the information you need in order to set out on an adventure. comes with a very clean and simple interface designed for all Geocachers of any level. 

4. CacheSense Android Only: Featuring a very interactive interface, all level of Geocachers can take advantage of what this app has to offer. This app boasts a multiple map platform and works offline making it easier to find caches in remote locations. Being able to download the map offline to use when you have weaker signal makes a difference in your Geocache hunt. This app is designed for the rugged and demanding environment.

5. C: Geo For Android Only: With an activity as popular as Geocaching the app's are not usually free; however this one is and the app is surprisingly very useful unless you are a die-hard Geocaching fan like I am. With this app, you can work offline effectively while still being able to log your finds. You are still able to manage waypoints and navigate to your next geocache using a compass, map and other apps. 

6. Hamster - Geocaching Tool for IOS Only: Hamster the Geocaching Tool, This app is available to Geocachers using an IOS device such as iPhone and iPad, it can be found in the Itunes store. With this app, you can track and watch your friends geocaching statistic, just that alone sounds really neat. Take a look at your friends log entries and read the stories they have left behind. I find this feature super cool as you can go find the same cache your friends have found. All of this can be done in a comfortable way with this easy to use app.  

I suggest trying some of these apps to see which ones work best for you. There is a hidden world waiting to be discovered. Each app has its own qualities that each Cacher may like more than another. Enjoy your Geocaching adventures and I hope you have made your Caching app searching a little easier. 😊 If there are any other apps that you would like to see listed on my list above please comment below and I will add them. 

*Happy Caching*

Monday, 27 November 2017

The beginning of Geocaching.Com

 The Beginning Of

The birth of, a subject I never imagined I'd be googling until recently when asked by my son who created the website for and I had no answer to give him. The mom side of me does not like leaving questions unanswered for their little curious minds. After reading posts and gathering the information for his answer. I realized there was so much interesting information associated with that I wanted to share with all other Geocachers. 
Morning Geocache We found Summer 2017
Photo: Jessie C

Did you know that when Geocaching first started it was reserved only for expert GPS users who understood the GPS lingo and all of how it worked? People like me who only understand the basics of the GPS would not have been able to play as easily as I can today. Most people who played already used the technology for backpacking or boating, it was much easier for them to pick up this hobby when it was first launched. Due to the expert players and the new players wanting to play there was a huge learning curve in order for the newer players to keep up and enjoy the game. There weren't many tools to use to detect if there was a cache nearby; therefore making the game the most challenging it's ever been. 

As most people playing the game, Jeremy Irish, a web developer for a Seattle company wanted to play the game also and see what it all was about. He fell upon Mike Teague's website in July while doing some research on the GPS. We talk about Mike Teague's in my previous blog post. The entire idea of treasure hunting while using tech gadgets really spiked Jeremy's curiosity. To him, it represented the marriage of two of his biggest interest. 

He soon discovered that there was a Geocache hidden close to him, Jeremy purchased his first GPS unit and went out on his first treasure hunt that following weekend. 
After he experienced the thrill of finding his first Geocaching he knew it was something he would be very passionate about. Jeremy then decided to start a hobby website for this activity, sort of like the same concept as Mike, however, he called his hobby site Bam! And there you have it, how was created. With the background, Jeremy had he was able to create a very user-friendly website that improved the cache-hunting experience for everyone who enjoyed the game. All of the cache listings were still all added manually by hand but the database help standardize the listings. One large change the site incorporated was being able to search for caches via zip code or postal code making it a lot easier for a newer player to see if there were any hidden caches in their surroundings. 
With Mikes Teague's input and help on the site, everything was finalized and announced to the public and the "stash community " on September 2, 2000. 

When the site was first launched it only contained 75 Geocaches! Only 75 !! Eight years later and there are 700.000 geocaches uploaded to The number keeps rising each year I wonder how many geocaches hide in the world today. 

Happy Caching! 
Stone Bridge We Got To See On A Geocaching Hike
Photo Credit: Jessie C
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Friday, 24 November 2017

How Geocaching Got Started

How Geocaching Got Started

Nano Magnetic Geocaching Container We found Summer 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow @Everyday.Fun.Day
Ever wonder how Geocaching got started and who is the creator of this awesome game? In this blog post, I'm going to share all those interesting details with you that helped create this game. Geocaching can definitely be considered a product of the new millennium. With the limitations of the GPS before the 2000's, Geocaching would have been very difficult to play. Before the update removing the "selective availability", the GPS receiver would only get you so close to a Geocache and you would spend some time searching a large area for the Geocache. It was almost like searching the area the size of a football field before the GPS users got an update. Are we not happy this happened! I know I am, imagine searching for a bison tube or a nanocontainer in an area that large! We will chat later about all the different kind of Geocaching containers you can find. They can all change based on the hider, let's say a bison tube and a nano are most likely some of the smallest Geocache you will need to search for.   
For GPS users the removal of selective availability was a reason to celebrate their excitement. Many were really happy to see this change take place suddenly a lot of groups teamed up together with ideas on how this technology could be used. 

Dave Ulmer at the location was the Birth of Geocaching took place
Dave Ulmer, I personally want to send a big THANK YOU to Dave Ulmer, he wanted to hide a " target " in the woods to see just how accurate this theory would be. He called his idea  
" Great American GPS Stash Hunt " and posted it to an internet GPS user group not really knowing what would corrupt his idea. His idea was very simple. Hide the container out in the woods and note the coordinates with a GPS unit. The finder would then have to locate the container with only the use of their GPS. The rules were easy " Take some stuff, Leave some stuff "
On May 3, 2000, is the day that David placed his own container, a black bucket, in the woods near Beaver Creek, Oregon. Inside the container he left a logbook and pencil, he left some prize items including videos, books, software and a slingshot. He shared the location of his " Stash " in an online group. 
A plaque remains at the First Geocaching hide of David Ulmer
Photo Credit by Geocacher: Sweet Potato Pie
Three days is all it took for David Ulmer's Geocache to be found by two different people who were very interested in seeing the stash and getting to try their own GPS to see if finding this treasure would be possible. They shared their stories online and throughout the next week other began hidden their own containers and posting their coordinates. Like any other idea posted on the Internet, this one bloomed into something big very quick and is still growing in popularity today. 

A small Bison Container We Found Summer 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow @everyday.Fun.Day
The first month of this activity taking it's course into the real world, Mike Teague, the first person to find David Ulmer's Stash, began gathering the online post from fellow Geocachers around the world. He would keep them all documented on his personal web page. The web page was created to allow other Geocachers a place to discuss this super fun activity. Names were being tossed around to replace the current name " Stash " with Geocaching which was later on done and remains to this name today. The famous name of Geocaching. 💙  

* Happy Caching *

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Top 10 Hiking Shoes of 2017

Best Lightweight Hiking Shoes
Beautiful Trail We Got To Hike / Summer 2017 - Canada
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow @Everyday.Fun.Day


Geocaching is a great excuse to take out some of that outdoor gear you have in your house! 😊When Setting out for a Geocaching adventure or a hike you can't forget to put on proper footwear to accommodate your hiking needs. I was recently looking through the list of hiking shoes on the market for 2017 and realized wow! There's so many out there to chose from. One thing I did notice was that people are shying away from the larger hiking boots to the lightweight shoes and even the trail running shoes for extra support when carrying a heavy pack. The lifted weight and feathery feeling will be an adjustment to some, however many people are falling in love with the way these shoes feel and the comfort they offer. They will be worth the investment. 
Bellow is a list of top 10 hiking shoes of 2017 to help you chose the right shoes for your daily hiking activities. 

~ You need special shoes for hiking and a bit of a special soul too ~ 

Lowa Renegade GTX lo

10. Lowa Renegade GTX low  : ( Men ) 

This specific shoe offers low-cut comfort, it offers a roomier toe box and more cushioning around the collars and tongues. This shoe comes waterproof which can be amazing when hiking in wet terrain. Weights only 1 lbs.7oz. The midsoles offer a new hybrid of Dura polyurethane and Dyna polyurethane to add cushioning and comfort, plus it comes with a Monowrap construction for some added support. Full-length-stabilizer with medium stiffness delivers stability and torsional rigidity. Comes with Evo-Trac rubber outsoles with supportive and durable Vibram. These lightweight shoes make a great option for hikers. These shoes range from a little over $200 retail. 

9. Vasque Breeze 3.0 Low GTX: ( Men and Woman )
The Vasque Breeze 3.0 would be one of the modern hiking shoes out on the marker. The Vibram rubber is a big deal for this shoe, providing it with amazing traction without the heavy feeling in your shoe. The construction of the shoe along with the fit and comfort are all amazing with this hiking shoe. The waterproof Gore-Tex extended comfort membranes will help keep your feet dry, yet breathable for comfort. Heel and toe ventilation ports that will increase airflow along the footbed. The Dual-density midsoles with EVA cushion pods offer all-day comfort and support. Thermoplastic urethane shanks will add lateral stability and structure. Vibram contact grip outsoles Megagrip rubber compound ate stickier than ever, enhancing your control in all weather and trail conditions. This shoe does weight more than the Lowa Renegade weighing 2lbs. 3oz. Retail price is a little over $150.
Vasque Breeze 3.0 Men 
Vasque Breeze 3.0 Woman

8. Salomon Odyssey Pro: ( Men and Woman )
New hiking shoe of the year, the Salomon Odyssey Pro. It aims to harness the benefits of a trail runner. It has amazing lightness, cushioning and comfort all wrapped up in one shoe. From the very beginning, these shoes have been holding their word and doing amazing in the market. The shoe feels extremely light and comes with a bouncy midsole that you will definitely feel and enjoy. These shoes are made to last and withstand any form of hiking with its durable uppers and stronger lateral support than a typical running shoe. These shoe weight only 1lb making them very lightweight. The shoe doesn't come waterproof which was the only thing I didn't like about it. The Odyssey Pro aims to be your ideal companion, your trustworthy partner. Retail price for these shoes is around $140. 

7.The North Face Hedgehog Fastpack :

When fastpacking having the most lightweight shoes would be a must. You want to be able to cover as much ground as you can with the less weight possible. This shoe does come waterproof and weights 1lbs.14oz. Abrasion-resistant and breathable textile mesh lining. It has a thermoplastic urethane quarter welds for structural integrity. One feature that this shoe has that the other companies never mention is a rustproof hardware. This feature could make a difference depending on the terrain you will be hiking. Thermoplastic urethane cradle heel-stability technology. Dual-density, compression-module EVA midsole with cradle platform. Each shoe comes with a thermoplastic urethane shanks that offer protection from sharp objects. It also comes with exclusive Vibram rubber outsoles. The retail price of these shoes is around $120. 

The North Face HedgeHog Fastpack Woman

The North Face Hedgehog Fastpack Men       
6. Altra Lone Peak 3.5:
The Altra Lone Peak 3.5 has shown itself as being a really good foot-wear option for hikers. This shoe is padded with a lot of cushions however it very lightweight. It weighs 1lbs.4.8oz. What I really like about this shoe is the drainage ports that are built inside for creek crossing. The flexible StoneGuard rock plates that are built inside the shoe offer the soles added protection under the foot. Natural ride system encourages a natural gait effective transition as it supports every step of the way. It's reinforced mesh upper for increased durability and protection. The GaiterTrap hook-and-loop tabs allow strapless gaiter attachment to block debris however the gaiters are not included. Retail price is around $120 for these shoes. 

Altra Lone Peak 3.5 Men 
Altra Lone Peak 3.5 Woman 

5. KeenTarghee II WP:
I find the Keen Targhee hiking shoe is a really casual looking shoe.but is very reliable. It's a shoe that has a very wide forefoot and helps protect the toes. These shoes are not the lightest on the market, they weight a little under 2lbs but they are worth the little extra weight. These shoes offer a lot of comfort and room for the toes to breath. These shoes are designed to be amazing in both wet and dry conditions. The leather uppers are designed to last a long time. These shoes are retailed between $123 to $204 on Amazon. 

Keen Targhee II WP Men
Keen Targhee II WP Woman
4. Adidas Outdoor Terrex Fast R GTX:

Over the last couple of years, Adidas has opened their doors to so many new hiking footwear. These shoes are great for hikers that are on the go with little time. The single-pull lacing system was an awesome feature I liked about this hiking shoe. The Adidas shoes stand out with their athletic nature. This shoe is very light weighing at 1lbs.11.2oz however is a lot stiffer for greater stability. This shoe is also great for off-trail hiking as well as deep in the forest hiking. It comes with the Gore-Tex extended comfort to help protect the foot. Retail price is around $170 - $185 on Amazon.  
Adidas Outdoor Terrex Fast R GTX Men/woman 
3. The North Face Ultra 109 GTX:
The North Face Ultra 109 GTX can easily be used as a trail running shoe or as a hiking shoe. It comes with a stable platform, amazing traction, and really good foot protection. The midsole also comes with a shank and rock plate, which not only dampens harsh impact but also increase stiffness. These shoe does come waterproof with the Gore-Tex waterproof stability. Retail price for these shoes ranges between $120 - $200 on Amazon. 
The North Face Ultra 109 GTX Men
2.Merrell Moab 2 Waterproof
You may not want to hike a long distance in these shoes due to them not being the lightest shoe on the marker weighing a little over 2lbs, but there is a lot to like about these shoes. These shoes are lightweight compared to others on the market even though it does weight a little over 2lbs it has a planted feel, a comfortable fit and the price is amazing compared to other shoes retailing at around $120 for the waterproof model and $100 for the nonwaterproof model, the Vent shoe. With the performance suede leather and mesh upper the shoe comes with a protective toe cap. The bellowing, closed-cell foam tongues help keep moisture and debris out. The Merrel Fit Eco + blended-EVA help a  lot with the zonal arch and heel support. With the price of these shoes and what it has to offer they are one of my favorite shoes on the market for 2017.


1.Salomon X Ultra 2:
Salomon X Ultra 2 Woman
The Salomon X ultra 2 is the top lightweight hiking shoe of 2017. It combines a feathery feel with amazing trail performance. It comes with traction, stability, and protection for your everyday hiking trip. The Salomon X Ultra 2 was built on an EVA midsole and trusty Contragrip rubber giving it the best durability. The design of the shoe actually comes from one of Salomon's well-known trail runner who inspired the idea of the shoe. The shoe feature has a single-pull speed lace, aggressive stance, and multi-directional lugs. The lightweight of these shoes means you will feel the ground under your feet a little more than with the padded shoes but your feet will still have enough protection with the rubber toe cap. For what these shoes have to offer and the comfort you will feel from the moment you slide your foot is well worth every cent. They retail around $120 a pair on Amazon making them very affordable. 

With the majority of hikers sticking to defined trails, the push for the lightweight low hiking boots is blooming on the market a lot more than the traditional high top hiking boot. More and more people are turning to the low rise boots for their everyday hiking adventure. Life is better in hiking boots 💚

Top 6 Reasons To Get Outside During The Winter

Icy rock formation we saw while on a road trip to claim our first out of province Geocache. January 2018 Photo Credit: Jessie C Follo...