Thursday, 4 January 2018

How To Geocaching Your Way To Great Health This Year?

First blog post of 2018, this is an exciting moment for me! It's the beginning of a New Year and with that comes the New Years Resolutions. Many people aim at setting fitness goals in ways in achieving a better health. Not only is Geocaching an amazing hobby to play with friends and family but it's also amazing for your health and a great way of keeping a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays people are running around the city catching Pokemon and hatching eggs, which is a great way to keep the body moving, but how did people stay in shape the old-fashion way and still get to travel around the countryside searching for hidden objects? They played an awesome game called Geocaching. 
Read my other blog post HERE on what exactly Geocaching is all about. 

In this blog post, I want to discuss the benefits of Geocaching for your physical and mental health. We've noticed a difference in our own health since we started Geocaching, getting outdoors and walking, moving the body around is very important for your well being. It's also been a great way for us to keep our children interested in exploring and being outdoors hiking with us. It's  a family hobby we all have fallen in love with. 

How Can You Get Healthy By Geocaching?
Geocaching can be a great way to get outdoors and gradually start enjoying some physical activity. With time you can always go further with how often you go outdoors to hunt for Geocaches. Remeber to take it easy if you're only starting off if you're an expert you probably already understand your bodies limits. You can even throw Geocaching into your daily workout routines to keep everything interesting. If you do want to use Geocaching as a way to get fit and better your lifestyle I'd try and aim to add Geocaching to your schedule at least once a week for a minimum of 2.5 hours. Try working towards your diet when not Geocaching, for example, try adding Fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Always remember to bring a bottle of water with you when out Geocaching, it's important to keep the body hydrated. 
Staying active is one of the most important things your body needs, it's important for your health and wellness. Ever since we started Geocaching I find walks and hikes in the forest a lot more fun, often I don't pay attention to the distance I am hiking and realize at the end how much I have accomplished which often surprises me. It definitely is a great way to keep the time moving quickly. Walking regularly can have tremendously positive impacts on the overall health and well-being after I got addicted to Geocaching walking trails is almost all I wanted to do. 

Benefits Of Walking With Nature
There are so many benefits from walking outdoor with Nature on top of getting some exercise while out treasure hunting. Whenever you're feeling down or sluggish it's always great to " walk it off ", it's a great stress-releasing method. I'm always happy and smiling when out in the woods this theory definitely is something I can relate to. Taking a walk in nature is associated with a whole host of mental health benefits. It helps decrease depression, improves the well-being and mental health, and lowers stress. Walking is something that is inexpensive along with Geocaching, I find both go great together in helping keep the body healthy and strong for the future. It's a low-risk exercise that almost anyone of any shape and size can do combined with the nature setting it can be very powerful as a stress buster. Most people today live in the city and spend not enough time outside in green, natural spaces than people did when my great grandparents were roaming the world. Geocaching allows you the chance to step away from the city and explore the trails and forest outside of the city. 

Next time you and your family are looking for something fun to do that is going to be rewarding for your health, why not try a little Geocaching in a local trail, explore and have fun while getting some exercise. 

1 comment:

  1. haha so funny...

    Geocaching isnt old fashoned at all. It was not untill 2001 that GPS was developed enough to play it.

    But I agree with the rest. It's a great hobby,


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Icy rock formation we saw while on a road trip to claim our first out of province Geocache. January 2018 Photo Credit: Jessie C Follo...