Friday 1 December 2017

Is Perfect Timing Important?

Is Perfect Timing Important?

Sometimes many factors have to come together in just the right way for something completely amazing to be created. I believe this is the case when it comes to Geocaching. Two things collided together making the most amazing outdoor game for everyone to play. I believe this has happened with Geocaching, how else could we explain the immediate popularity of the game? If you sit back and think about it for a moment it really all makes perfect sense. Traditional sports we play today were all created more than 100 years ago in a low-tech environment. Nowadays children grow up playing video games, operating a computer, a tablet or iPad.The world around us revolves around technology and all those cool gadgets everyone wants to get their hands on. Most of the population uses technology for work, entertainment and for convenience.  

Traditional Geocache We found Summer of 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow: @everydayfunday101
As a child, we grow up with that sense of adventure, we all want to find something and get a thrill by doing so. From our earliest memories, I know it's that way for me. I would wake up on Easter morning and race through the house to find the easter eggs hidden all over the place. I would get so excited and I see that same joy in my children. We grew up loving to play hide-and-seek and reading about pirates in fairy tales. It's in our nature to want to find things that are hidden. It's no wonder so many people got addicted to Geocaching when they heard about it. Most of us from the 90's moving downwards live in a really unique time where technology was just beginning to be a "thing". We were lucky and fortunate to see the evolution and development of technology, to see life go from almost no technology to it becoming a necessity to most. The last 20+ years the industry of computers, cellphones, GPS and the use the internet itself has risen a lot. I can't even imagine what the world with have to its availability with the next 20 some years to come. Often I even ask myself how some of us managed without the need for these devices in our lives before. 
Series of Geocaches We found along this road, Summer 2017
Photo Credit: Jessie C
Follow @everydayfunday101

It's not only the rise of technology that has changed, but there are many other new sports that we have available to us, for example, extreme sports now are a major thing people are starting to grow a huge passion for. We see more and more Adrenaline Junkies that want to push themselves to there limits of their abilities.
This is why the timing for Geocaching was perfectly planned with the changes that were happening around us. We got to utilize the latest technological advancement in navigation and the web, we got to challenge our mind, body and inner child spirit with the excitement of uncovering hidden treasure. 
With the unique caches hidden out there, there is a cache for everyone, the city cacher, the trail walker cacher you will even be able to find a Geocache for the adrenaline junkie that wants push themselves. The game can be played in many different ways, the choice is yours. 

* Happy Caching *

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